...this is all about an ibanez ex350 (ex from experimental) of 1989 made in korea - an introduction to rg series - that happened to break its body...the body couldn't stably repair so i kept the neck and all the hardware and put them on another body...The new one made of basswood comes from an ibanez marine of 1988 reconstructed, sanded and painted green with a surface of nitro...i refretted and repaired the neck and installed the ibanez floyd rose, the neckplate and the output jack system from the ex 350...but not the pickups because they were too weak.... the pickguard completely wired and with the pickups came from england from a little workshop....the pickups are handmade ceramic high output and give the 80's hard rock sound...
...excellent action and sound...
...the destroyed ibanez ex 350 body and parts...

...the experimental guitar...

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